Author Archive for David Asselin


Who you gonna call?


Hey guys, Kyolux here! Seriously, if you grew up in the 80’s, you have to make yourself the favor of watching this game trailer. I was ever-doubting the success this game would get once released, but after seeing this? I don’t really care how it’ll play (still hopefully good), the story and characters are going to be awesome.

Read my full rant after the break

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Interesting post on the gaming community

Great read @ Kotaku from Leigh Alexander.

I seriously suggest you to read this, it pinpoints accurately the huge gap between gamers that reads reviews online, that checks infos before buying, etc.. compared to the random guy, not less of a gamer then you and me, but that doesn’t even know what IGN, Gamespot, etc. are.

But yeah, what kind of Gamestop employee doesn’t know those sites? (/facepalm X 9001)

I fully understand this situation, but at the same time, don’t you feel like screaming ZOMG WTF N00B!?!


Sex sells


Now that I’ve got your attention, please take a look on your right in the sidebar.

I’ve added a poll.

So now you can tell us what you’d like to see on our site through this poll.  Any ideas not on there? Well the comments are there for that.  So feel free to take a moment of your time and greet us and vote/post on the comments.

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Little Big Planet in-depth review

I already covered Little Big Planet back in the beta, well mostly how the game works. So I won’t repeat what has already been said, just go back to it if you want details on that part, since most of it is pretty much the same, just more polished. So here’s my Little Big Planet review!


This is your pod. A whole world of possibilities is open to you from here. You can also decorate it to your liking

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Free Realms BETA signup (MMORPG on PS3)

I don’t really know anything on Free Realms, I’ll look into it a bit later today (when I’m done with my LBP review), but for now, here’s a link to the game’s Beta registration page.  It’s free to register, so why not?

UPDATE: On one side, you have what looks like a game oriented to a family, so far from the type of gamers most of us are. But it still seems interesting to see how this game comes out, as there’s 18 classes and you can switch between them whenever you want. (Not all classes are fighting classes)


Fallout 3 Review


Wow, just wow. This game is overwhelming, VERY overwhelming. Now I won’t claim I completed the game at all, as I’ve barely scratched the main story, so I won’t really mention anything about it in this review, but feel free to leave your comments down here about the story itself. The game as so many things to let you do, that it doesn’t really matter though.

I’ve been playing the ps3 version, and it has received a lot of bad press, at least compared to its 360 and pc versions, but I didn’t find anything anywhere near game breaking. So if you’re on the fence and PS3, just like me is your only option, don’t hesitate to still get it.

Have you ever played a Fallout game before? I played a quite a few hours of Fallout 1, and couldn’t find time to sink into Fallout 2 back then, and never got my hands on Fallout Tactics. But if you did, you should have a very good idea of what you expect out of this game. The game delivers very well in general.

For those that don’t know, Fallout is an RPG series set in post apocalyptic settings, with a 1950s view on what things would be like if there would have been a nuclear fallout, hence the name. Full review after the save point!

Continue reading ‘Fallout 3 Review’


The new Death note authors series: Bakuman

A Shueisha’s Weekly Shounen Jump manga written and drawn by two mangaka about two high-schoolers wanting to make a manga that will have an anime based on it by the time they’re 18 by trying to get published in Shueisha’s Weekly Shounen Jump? Did you see the pattern? What kind of concept is that? It must be totally boring… right? Well so far, it’s pretty awesome, chapter 12 being published this week, and well, we’re starting to get a sense of where everything is going.

Bakuman has an interesting story

Bakuman has a very interesting story

Continue reading ‘The new Death note authors series: Bakuman’


Should have stocked up on US currency when there was parity.

Seriously. 1 USD is worth 1,27 CAD.

Let’s say I had bought for 1 000 USD.  That’s a no effort $270.

The economy is a mess right now. 😦

I hope it doesn’t affect the gaming industry too much.


Meet the sandvich lawsuit! Same as 1987’s Predator bean counter says.

This is hilarious. I choked trying not to laugh out loud.


Cave Story review

Let’s go back to the 80s and very early 90s, the golden age of the 8-bit era and simple games on the visual side of things. Wasn’t gaming great back then? Wasn’t the point of games being fun and getting your ass handed over times and times again before you’d beat them, that is when there was an ending? Games back then often came alive into the vision their creators wanted exactly, for the simple reason that not so many people were involved in them, so it was easier to get exactly where they wanted. (Note that this is an unproven theory I just made up, but you have to agree that it makes at least a small bit of sense). When you have teams of hundreds with different people working on each corner of the game, what you end up with isn’t often anything close to what was originally imagined.

Fast-forward to 2004, Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya, a Japanese doujin (independent/amateur) game developer release this little gem called Cave Story, which with what I was lead to believe, was mainly done by him alone. Now keep in mind that I haven’t completed this game yet. I’m at the final boss part, after going through the tough version of the last “cave”. And after that, there lies apparently bonus content that’s going to kick my ass, to congratulate me on taking the high road.
Continue reading ‘Cave Story review’

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